Specialists in a specialist field!

We’re at the cutting-edge of inspection, expediting, supplier evaluation and management systems implementation and auditing, with a proven track record for success in all the major global industries including oil refining, gas & chemical production, aluminium/aluminum smelting & rolling and pulp & paper manufacture.
Here at Turner & Coates, inspection and expediting is so much more than just a checking exercise. It determines supplier quality in all aspects of supply from design, all the way through purchasing, manufacture, painting, assembly, testing (including NDT), packaging to shipment.
Supplier evaluation also takes many different forms here at Turner & Coates, and we always seek to adopt a bespoke, flexible and unerringly thorough approach to each evaluation we are contracted to undertake, in order to fit seamlessly with the individual needs of the customer, whether this is evaluating the manufacture of a specific product or a manufacturers production and business processes.
We can also help you to transform your day-to-day operations and unlock the true potential of your business, through the implementation and auditing of internationally recognised management systems, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001 (which replaces OHSAS 18001), FAMI-QS, RCMS and RC 140001.
So whether you’re looking to optimise the performance of your management system, or seeking to ensure your suppliers deliver vital equipment on time and to the exact specification, trust Turner & Coates… professional, practical solutions from start to finish.
Call us today on 0161 660 8656 from within the UK. We can also be contacted on +1 (404) 462-5729 from the US and Canada.