Examining international and domestic business!

Our tried-and-tested inspection services continue to ensure that machinery, plant, equipment and commodities are manufactured and delivered to the very highest possible standards.
Committed to doing so much more than dotting the ‘i’s and crossing the ‘t’s, our multi-disciplined engineering, equipment and cargo inspectors make regular site visits throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia to fulfil the global inspection requirements of a rapidly growing customer base.
Inspection at Turner & Coates also takes in every aspect of quality control. Not only do we run the rule over the final product, we can also inspect and survey each individual component, from initial design to eventual manufacture. We ensure the correct construction materials are used, reviewing fabrication processes to ensure that these are well controlled, ensuring that welders and NDT personnel have appropriate qualifications. We also ensure that your suppliers are carrying out their own internal checks and inspections thoroughly, ensuring that testing is carried out in a systematic way with valid measuring equipment and reviewing the results against the requirements. We will also ensure that equipment is appropriately packed for the method of shipment and witness loading of equipment, if needed.
Everything is analysed and evaluated with a meticulous attention to detail and a systematic, thorough industry understanding. What’s more, each inspection report we write and submit is detailed and relevant to the decision-making process. This helps us to identify and inform you of any intrinsic faults, pitfalls or potential issues early, to ensure the final product is fit for purpose and manufactured to the correct specifications.
Combined with our standard-bearing expediting service, inspection provides total peace to today’s globally-minded businesses. To keep track of our current inspection projects for your business, visit our Client Interface section. Here, you can access all relevant reports and documentation, view photos and print a project summary for further distribution.
Call us today on 0161 660 8656 from within the UK. We can also be contacted on +1 (404) 462-5729 from the US and Canada.